
© Hiraman / Getty Images

Spore-forming probiotic may ease URTI symptoms

By Stephen Daniells

Supplementation with a sport forming probiotic may activate the immune system to help suppress symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), says a new study from Japan.

© Aycan / Getty Images

Morinaga achieves ANVISA approval for BB536 probiotic

By Stephen Daniells

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, ANVISA) has approved Morinaga’s probiotic strain Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum BB536 for us in dietary supplements and conventional food products sold in Brazil.

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Study: Probiotic can reduce sore throat and fever in children

By Nikki Hancocks

A supplement of two L. reuteri probiotic strains can significantly reduce days of fever and severity of pain in children being treated for upper respiratory tract infections thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects, according to a new clinical trial.

© airdone / Getty Images

Back to the Future and the reset called 2021

By George Paraskevakos, IPA Executive Director

Contemplating the year that was and in the classical fashion of penning articles tied to movie titles, I must say, it was difficult to choose one which depicted the year IPA and the world of probiotics has gone through.

Image courtesy of Lallemand Health Solutions

Apsen launches 'first psychobiotic' in Brazil

São Paulo-based Apsen has partnered with Lallemand Health Solutions to launch a probiotic formulation for the brain-gut axis on the Brazilian market, with approved health claims by the Brazilian Health Authorities, ANVISA.

Global probiotics market grows 8%, says IPA’s Paraskevakos

Global probiotics market grows 8%, says IPA’s Paraskevakos

By Stephen Daniells

As consumers seek out immune-support products, probiotics are one of the categories to have experienced sales growth in 2020. The science to substantiate the claims has been key, said George Paraskevakos, Executive Director of the International Probiotics...

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First speakers announced for IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas

By Stephen Daniells

Delegate registration is open for the IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas in Washington DC, with speakers already confirmed covering topics including postbiotics, the changing retail landscape, microbes and the mitochondria, and fermented foods.

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LATAM region is strongest for Chr. Hansen in Q1

By Natasha Spencer

Global bioscience player in the nutrition and food space, Chr. Hansen, reveals that its Latin American operations saw the most positive results in Q1 2019/2020. Speaking to NutraIngredients-LATAM, a spokesperson for Chr. Hansen shared why the region is...